Our Services
Environmental Assessment (Due Diligence)
Looking to buy land? An environmental (due diligence) assessment could benefit you by identifying whether your property of interest contain any potential jurisdictional wetlands and conducting a wetland delineation. During the environmental assessment, the site will also be assessed to determine the potential of listed (endangered, threatened, etc.) species inhabiting the site.
Listed (Protected) Species Survey
We offer listed species surveys and Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission (FFWC) coordination ranging from the burrowing owl, gopher tortoise, Florida sandhill crane, the Florida bonneted bat, and Audubon’s crested caracara. Any impacts to habitats or burrows identified to contain listed species would likely require permitting for species excavation, relocation, or disturbance.
Wetland Permitting
Planning to impact wetlands for your development? We provide wetland permitting services to the appropriate agencies. Typically, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and/or Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) have jurisdiction of on-site wetlands. We delineate and map any potential wetlands on your property with proposed impact areas, and deal with the agencies for you!
GIS Services
We are experts in anything GIS! If you need geospatial services such as mapping, spatial analysis, web application creation, or GIS program training/development we are here for you!
Tree Inventory & Removal Permitting
Need an inventory the trees on your property or planning to remove trees? We offer tree inventory and removal permit services. Each inventory provides a comprehensive list of tree species, size, canopy area, and health. Some counties require mitigation when removing trees due to loss of canopy. Let us know if you plan to remove any trees on your property and we’ll make sure you’re covered!
Drone Aerial Imagery
Our commercial drone pilots can fly almost anywhere. Let us know if you need an inspection of a highly elevated area, view of an inaccessible place, or you just would like up-to-date footage or aerial imagery of your property. Having the latest map imagery for properties on the market or going through permitting is a great way to get ahead on the process.